ul. Magnolii 25, 44-207 Rybnik
+48 797 173 501
+48 502 162 365

Our Lecturers

Wioletta Ginter


Master in pedagogy specializing in counseling and psychopedagogical assistance. Active special educator, hand therapist,...

Bogusław Barański


Psychotherapist, sexologist, and mentor with 20 years of experience in individual and group work with men and women on r...

Justyna Bugdoł


Master in special pedagogy, certified teacher, education and rehabilitation therapist for individuals with autism spectr...

Anna Ławniczak


Master in psychology specializing in clinical sexology and criminological psychology. Lecturer in postgraduate studies i...

Małgorzata Solowska


Master in English and history, ICT trainer and moderator, MIEE Educator, trainer for foreign national Erasmus agencies, ...

Anna Falkowska

Educator, Sociologist

Certified sociologist (specializing in human resource management), certified specialist in environmental protection, and...

Monika Kromolan


Master in psychology with a focus on neuropsychology and clinical psychology. Specialist in integrated early childhood e...

Joanna Zawadzka


Master in Polish philology, specialist in pedagogical therapy, diagnosis, and social prevention. Therapist in the diagno...

Gabriela Marcisz


Master in psychology, psychotherapist. Therapist for adults, couples, and families. Specialist in psychotherapy at the C...

Aleksandra Wowra


Master in pedagogy – specialization in care and education, oligophrenopedagogue, specialist at ORE in the field of inclu...

Paulina Rosa

Speech Therapist

Master in Polish philology, speech therapist, TELC Polish language examiner, trainer of Polish as a foreign language, ac...

Anna Kowalska


Master in psychology, psycho-oncologist, certified psychotherapist of the Polish Society for Experiential Integrative Ps...

Monika Frysz


Trainer in digital competencies, specialist in copyright law, artificial intelligence, virtual and augmented reality. Ma...

Julita Rozmus

Speech Therapist/Neurologist

Speech therapist and neurologist with numerous qualifications in her field, such as working with children with mutism, s...

Jakub Ruks


Doctor of Philosophy. Lecturer in ethics and philosophy. Active teacher of ethics and philosophy in primary and secondar...

Sylwia Cuber


Master in pedagogy specializing in preschool and early childhood education, oligophrenopedagogy, elementary education wi...

Natalia Chruściel – Janas

Speech Therapist/Neurologist

Graduate of Medical University in Wrocław: neurologopedics with early speech therapy intervention, University of Wrocław...